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Expert Advice for Selecting Stylish Bedroom Furniture

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Revamping your bedroom furniture can be a daunting task, whether you're moving to a new space or upgrading your existing set. Traditional showrooms offer cookie-cutter options that may not align with your preferences, resulting in impulse purchases. When you visit a furniture store, they may offer bedroom packages and leave you with a random mix of furniture you may not be completely satisfied with.

To assist you in your scavenging for new bedroom furniture, our team at Glowy Interiors has put together this blog. We provide insider tips for choosing the perfect, stylish bedroom furniture. With these tips, you can discover the available options, identify your needs, and create a harmonious space that reflects your style.


Choosing the Right Bedroom Furniture

Before choosing furniture for your bedroom, it’s important to determine what exactly you need. This includes choosing a quality bed, dresser, and nightstand. Below, we explain the most common pieces of furniture as well as provide some tips to keep in mind while selecting them.



The bed is an essential and fundamental component of your bedroom. Needless to say, selecting the right bed depends primarily on two factors, and it serves as the key element that anchors your sleeping space. You have a range of choices available, starting from twin-sized beds up to California king-sized ones. Here are some questions you should ask when choosing a bed for a home:


  • How many people are sleeping in the bed? If you're setting up your own bedroom, the size of the bed you choose will depend on your comfort level and personal preference. However, when it comes to furnishing a guest bedroom, it's advisable to prioritise accommodating a couple with enough sleeping space. A queen-size bed is an ideal choice for a comfortable guest bed, but if you have limited space, a full-size bed will suffice.


  • How big is the room? While you might fancy a king-sized bed, it's important to consider the size of your room. Opting for a bed that is too large for the space can make it appear overwhelming and may even limit the placement of other furniture. A useful guideline to follow is ensuring that you have a minimum of 70 cm of free space on each side of the bed, excluding the walls. This allows for adequate movement and prevents the bed from feeling cramped when placed opposite other furniture pieces. It's worth noting that this recommended space is the bare minimum for safety and comfort. If you prefer a more spacious and stylish arrangement, you may want to allocate even more room.



Whether you're a minimalist or not, a nightstand remains an essential piece of furniture in your bedroom. It serves a functional purpose by providing a surface for holding items like cups or lamps, while also contributing to the overall cosy and inviting ambience of the room.


Even if you're preparing a room for a single occupant, it's highly recommended to incorporate two nightstands. Having just one can create an imbalance in the room's aesthetics and layout. Furthermore, when furnishing a guest room, it's uncertain which side of the bed your guest prefers to sleep on. This uncertainty makes it prudent to have a single nightstand that could potentially be on the wrong side. Considering these factors, selecting a nightstand becomes straightforward by taking into account the following:


  • How much space do I have? Attempting to squeeze a large, traditional wooden nightstand into a contemporary bedroom with limited space is simply not feasible. To work within the confines of the 70-cm rule around your bed, you can choose a nightstand that fits snugly on either side of the bed's head. This way, you make the most of the available space without overwhelming the room's aesthetic.


  • How much surface space is required? If your intention is to utilise your nightstand for stacks of books, a charging station, your beloved coaster, and a lamp, it is crucial to select a nightstand that can accommodate these items effectively.


The nightstand you choose should be of your personal style while also providing functionality.



Another fundamental component of your bedroom ensemble will be your dresser or chest of drawers. If your bedroom is occupied by a single person, one dresser may suffice. However, if multiple individuals are sharing the space or if you desire additional storage, two dressers might be necessary.


Once again, there are simple methods to ascertain the appropriate size and type of dresser that will fit your space. Your dresser should align with a wall, similar to the positioning of the head of your bed. It is crucial to select a dresser size that does not protrude into the 30-inch space surrounding your bed.


The types of dressers to choose from go as follows:

  • Horizontal dressers. In the realm of dressers, horizontal variants take the stage. Typically, they boast a single row with 2-3 drawers aligned side by side. These dressers prove ideal for solitary occupants or as supplementary storage in a bedroom already equipped with a double dresser. Moreover, when employed collectively within a shared space, horizontal dressers exude an air of elegance. This arrangement grants two individuals the luxury of accessing their own separate dressers.


  • Double dressers. Double dressers reign as the top choice for efficient and space-saving storage solutions. These versatile pieces resemble two horizontal dressers seamlessly joined in the centre. With typically six drawers, they offer ample room to stow away your belongings. Double dressers often boast additional smaller drawers at the top, specifically designed for undergarments.


Tips for Other Furniture and Decor Pieces



If you've been blessed with ample space that adheres to the sacred 70-cm rule, consider adorning your bedroom with a delightful accent: a bench. This exquisite addition not only brings a touch of simplicity and modernity to your space but also serves as a marvellously functional piece. Before you know it, it may become your treasured spot for donning your shoes or adjusting your tie.


A bench proves to be a brilliant solution when you desire a seating area but lack the room to accommodate a grand accent chair. With a bench, you can enjoy the luxury of seating without encroaching upon the sacred perimeter of that precious 30-inch space. Embrace this unique accent and transform your bedroom into a haven of both style and practicality.



In the realm of bedroom decor, rugs often find themselves overshadowed, especially in the presence of carpeted floors that steal the limelight. Yet do not underestimate the transformative power of a well-chosen rug, for it can weave its magic on both carpeted and solid surfaces with equal grace and intention.


A rug acts as the unifying thread that stitches your room together, adding that final touch of completeness and finesse. In the bedroom, it is advised to opt for a rug that is one metre smaller on each side than the overall size of the room. Embrace the allure of this unique addition and witness how it elevates the aesthetics of your sleeping sanctuary.



Allow me to divulge a captivating secret: the art of adorning one's space with mirrors has the ability to create an expansive and luminous atmosphere. By strategically placing mirrors, you invite the interplay of light, seamlessly flowing in and out, illuminating your surroundings.


Embracing the latest trend of oversized floor mirrors, you not only enrich your space with a resplendent decorative piece but also equip yourself with a practical reflection for your morning preparations. These magnificent mirrors effortlessly merge beauty and functionality, becoming your trusted companion in the daily rituals of self-care.


When seeking mirrors, seek out those that exude durability and ensure safety. Should space prove restrictive for a floor mirror, fear not, for an exquisite alternative awaits: a mirror that gracefully hangs above your dresser. Glowy Interiors offers both varieties, featuring unexpected finishes and frames that will undoubtedly leave an indelible impression on your space.


Choose From Our Selection of Stylish Bedroom Furniture

At Glowy Interiors, we offer convenient and elegant solutions for decorating your home through carefully selected combinations of decorative elements. Our products are meticulously crafted by a team of skilled professionals, including architects, interior architects, and industrial designers. With expertise in the furniture industry, our experienced craftsmen bring our designs to life.


Our living room, dining room, office, and bedroom furniture range from a variety of styles, including minimalist, traditional, contemporary, and much more. We understand that furniture is personal, which is why we take pride in carrying a wide selection of furniture styles as there is always something for varying palettes. Choose Glowy Interiors as the furniture provider for your home. View our selection of stylish bedroom furniture and more today and place your order online. Questions? We encourage you to reach out to our team of experts who can answer any questions you may have.

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